Portrait Of A Freestyle Motocross Rider: Wes Agee
Wes Agee is a freestyle motocross rider from Temecula, CA
He is quite a humble guy who doesn't care about making millions, fame or fortune. He is happy with what he is doing and as long as he supports his humble life style he wants to carry on with that. We were in Temecula on mid January to film his preparations for a project. While we were doing the actual filming we spent a little bit more time to film the area, waking up early in the morning for the nature shots and got some additional interviews from him about getting into the sport, ups and down and his future expectations just solely for this portrait clip. We shot everything with our small crew during an eight day period. This is a non-commercial edit out of what we shot during that period.
Directed and Edited by Caglar Malli
DOP: Oytun Orgul
1st Ad: Selin Tezol
Aerials: Deniz Hotamisligil (Hotalabs)
Additional photography: Jay Schweitzer
Producer: Selim Kemahli
Production manager: Cem Kitapci
Photography by Deniz Hotamisligil